Friday, December 11, 2009

Almay smart shade makeup.?

does it provide good coverage of acne?Almay smart shade makeup.?
This personally did not work for me. I have about 1-2 pimples at any given time, but I also have darks marks and redness from past ance. I used the Almay skin claring line and the medium smart shade and was just not happy with the coverage. It looks cakey on the pimples. I just recently started using MAC Studio Fix foundation. It is about $25 a bottle, but I find I don't go through it as fast. A little goes a long way where as when I was using drug store brands I had to use alot more to get the coverage I want and need to blend and cover all my imperfections. Plus it seems to control oil much better when I use it with the blot powder. I only have to touch up 2-3 times instead of 5-6. Good luck!Almay smart shade makeup.?
nope. blocked my pores.
depends on how bad it is, does a good job
my friend with acne tried it and it didnt provide good coverage. honestly, i would try bare minerals. i have used it for 3 years and i swear by this stuff. i rarely get pimples but when i do it provides great covereage. and unlike almost all the other foundations, it is actually good for you skin. seriously, do yourself a favor and get it. i promise you will love it and it will change your skin.
I went on a makeup-trying spree, and I was drawn in by the attraction of having a makeup that actually matched my skin.

NO it doesn't provide good coverage of anything.

It matched my skin color, but it also didn't look like I had any coverage at all. I would have probably been better off not wearing anything. : /
No makeup can cover the texture.

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